Have you noticed the fascination with angels?
There are numerous books out on angels. Paintings with depictions of angels,
jewelry, and statues.
This fascination tends to worry me at times. There is nothing wrong with
learning of angels and in the books, jewelry and so on as long as they are
kept in the right perspective, but when people get obsessed about angels
then there is a problem.
We know that angels exist as the scriptures say so, but they are here
to do God's bidding. They are the messengers and servants of God.
Our focus must always remain on God. We are not to worship the angels.
The angels worship God. (Revelation 5:11-12 and 7:11-12)
There are some that believe in angels, but do not believe in their creator.
It boggles the mind! You cannot have one without the other.
Angels exist because of the CREATOR!
Angels attend to and worship God: Matthew 18:10; Revelation 5:11-12
Angels protect God's people: Daniel 6:22; Acts 5:19
Angels guide God's people: Matthew 25:5-7; Acts 8:26, 27:23-24
Angels bring judgment on the wicked: Revelation 16
Angels bring judgment on the wicked: Revelation 16
There are many more scriptures that show what angels are here for,
but none indicate that they are to be exalted above God or that we are
to bow our knee before them.
We must keep our awe and reverance on God only. We must bow to God and
only God.
Be diligent my friends and be careful of false doctrine.
We must keep our awe and reverance on God only. We must bow to God and
only God.
Be diligent my friends and be careful of false doctrine.