Thursday, September 19, 2013


I am He who has come into this world to bring you life. I bared  the cross on your behalf. I bled for you. You ask why would I do this? Because I love you. It's that simple. I love you! 
I took your sins and wounds and put them upon myself. It is through the blood that I shed that you can be set free, but first you must trust in Me and receive Me as your Lord and Savior. 
The things of this world will not get any easier, but behold I am with all who put their trust in Me and I am with them always. 
Why do you hold out? What are you afraid of? The things of this world will eventually fade away, but I will always be with you.
Come unto Me and I will give you the rest and peace you crave. There is nothing that you can give up that I will not return to you a hundred-fold. 
Let Me hold you in My arms with a love that has no bounds. A love that is unconditional. The world can not give this to you. Friends and family will fail, but I will never fail you. I will always be right by your side.
So come to Me and I will show you great and mighty things.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


It is hard to believe it is another anniversary of 9/11. Life seems to keep flying by.

This day is emblazoned in my mind. The emotions and fear that I felt -- well -- there are no words to describe it. 

As a Christian I am not to fear, but in my humanness I did. I knew I would go to heaven, but fear was there and the only thing I could think of was my husband and daughter. 

I hopped into my car and drove to the school to pick up my toddler as so many other parents did. I only know that I wanted her at my side. 

I tried remaining calm in front of her so she would not become fearful. Did I succeed? Truthfully, I don't know.

I do know that my daughter is well rounded and in about two months will be getting married. I am so thankful for the young woman she has become. 

My heart still goes out to all the families and friends of those who were lost on that horrendous day.

This is a day that we should always remember and not to become complacent about. It happened once and can happen again.

We need to put God at the forefront and to remember our Judeo-Christian roots which this country was built on. We need to stop playing church and to live it! Wake up America!

Es difícil de creer que es otro aniversario del 9/11. La vida parece seguir volando.

Este día es blasonado en mi mente. Las emociones y el miedo que sentía... bueno... no hay palabras para describirlo. 

Como cristiano estoy no le da miedo, pero lo hice en mi humanidad. Sabía que iría al cielo, pero el miedo estaba allí y lo único que se me ocurrió fue mi marido y mi hija. 

Me subí al auto y lo condujo a la escuela a recoger a mi niño como tantos otros padres. Sólo sé que yo quería a mi lado. 

Intenté restante calma frente a ella para que no se había vuelto temerosa. ¿Conseguirá? Sinceramente, no sé.

Sé que mi hija está bien redondeada y en unos dos meses se casa. Estoy muy agradecido por la joven se ha convertido en. 

Mi corazón todavía sale a todas las familias y amigos de quienes murieron ese día horrendo.

Este es un día que siempre debemos recordar y no para ser complacientes sobre. Se pasó una vez y puede suceder de nuevo.

Necesitamos poner a Dios en la vanguardia y recordar nuestras raíces Judeo-cristianas que este país se construyeron. Tenemos que dejar de jugar a la iglesia y a vivirla! ¡ Despierta América!