Holy is Your name.
Let me honor You in word and deed.
Teach me to hold my tongue and not to speak or even think unworthy thoughts.
Forgive me for those things that have come out of my mouth that are not holy. Forgive me of any and all actions that have been truly out of self and ungodly.
Continue to teach me Your ways so that when the time comes I will hear, "well done, my faithful servant."
I love You, my Lord and King.
I know I don't say it enough.
I am sorry for being so lazy. Just because I don't feel good is not a good excuse to let everything else go. I need to be more of a warrior.
Even in all of this, I know, I cannot do it on my own. I need Your help. I am incapable of doing it on my own. I do not have the strength in myself to do it. It is only by Your strength that I can fight the fight.
My hope and strength come from You and You alone.
Bless the Lord, oh my soul, and all that is within me.
I will trust You!
Yes, I will trust You!
In Jesus name!