He loves you just the way you are! It does not matter what you have done in the past or even what you are contemplating on doing. He loves you! Yes you! No ‘ifs’ or ‘buts’ He loves you!
He bravely went to the cross at Calvary and took upon Himself all of our sins and infirmities. He didn’t deserve to die that way, but that is how much He loves each and everyone of us. You see we cannot work our way into heaven. It doesn’t matter how many good deeds/works we do. It is a free gift. A gift called Grace.
All we can do is to admit that we have sinned and acknowledge that we have fallen short of the glory of God. Recognize that we need something more in our lives, that being the saving power of Jesus Christ. Then just ask him to come into your heart it is that simple.
He hasn’t made it complicated. He loves you and his arms are outstretched awaiting your cry.
He LOVES you!!