It really disturbed me to hear people making jokes over the
plight of the Chilean miners. It was rude and heartless.
I heard it on television and saw it on Facebook too.
What if it was you stuck 2000 feet below ground and not
knowing whether you will see daylight again? They were
undergound for over two months and you're cracking jokes!
Step back and put yourself in place of that miner. What
would you be thinking? How would you feel?
Step back and put yourself in place of one of the loved
ones. How would you feel?
The miner not knowing whether they will come out alive,
not knowing if they will ever see their family again.
The loved ones wondering what is happening to their spouse
or parent and will they ever get to embrace them again.
This was no joke! This was real life! Making fun at someone
else's expense is offensive and uncalled for. The old adage
of 'if you cannot say something nice, then say nothing at all'
is one that fits this scenario perfectly.
I can only say that to all those who made jokes that you
never find yourself in a situation like that or worse.
Thank you Lord for watching over the miners and their
family members. Bless them.
Thank you Lord for all the volunteers that came out to
help and bless them too.
God be with you all,
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