Saturday, July 19, 2014

On the Road to Redemption

Many are the roads that one may travel, but the road of redemption is the greatest  of all. By its appearance it is not an attractive path at all.

It is a narrow path, but when you seek it you will surely find it, but be aware that there is one road that will try to lead you astray. It is not narrow, but wide and tempting. This wider road is more attractive because of the choices it gives you. Many travelers start on this road or eventually turn to this road. You must keep your eyes clear, pure, and focused. Remain in the truth as the truth will lead you on.

Be alert to those who are out to draw you in a different route. The intentions of these travelers may seem good, but they are based on falsehoods of ignorance. They are out to deceive and swallow you like a roaring lion. Their ways are out for self-satisfaction and evil. They are cunning and care nothing of your well-being. They will flatter with fancy words and whisper seductive things in your ears. You must not fall into these snares. Remember your mission to follow the narrow road to redemption.

There is a friend that will always be with you. He is the One you shall find and follow. He loves you and is always near. You will know Him when you find Him. Remember to seek with your whole heart and do not lean on your own understanding.

There are others also who are seeking, so encourage one another along the way. There is power when you stand together.

Your hunger must be for the truth and your thirst for living water. Do not depart from the narrow path. There are potholes, crevices, and deep embankments in the wide road which leads to destruction. 

We do not always understand many of the paths we travel until we realize we are  lost or until we reach our destination.

Peace will be your clue that you are following the right path.

Fear will show you that you are off the path and must find your way back. Do not allow the fear to overcome you, but rather overcome fear with the truth you know. 

Remember to be cautious when you come upon forks in the road. Allow your sense of peace to lead you and you will embark on the correct way.

When you see the 'cross' on the path you will know that you reached your destination.

You will try to continue standing, but you will be so overwhelmed that you will bow your knee. Your heart will be so full of love and awe that your hands will rise up with the wonder of it all. Tears of refreshing will stream down your face.

Your journey will not end there. There will be valleys and mountain tops that you must travel. These will allow you to grow and bear fruit. 

Know that just like germs and bacteria try to mess with your physical being that there are unseen things that will try to ensnare you and pull you away from the 'glory'.

Then without warning, the trumpet will sound, and the day will come, when you will gaze upon Him, face to face. You will know without a doubt that your Redeemer lives and has come to gather up His own. The eastern sky will break open and there He will be on a cloud with His arms outstretched.

What a day of rejoicing that will be!
Glorious beyond compare! A day of triumphant, miraculous, unconditional, and undying love!

All the saints will sing out and praise the glorious One. The one and only King of Kings and Lord of Lords!

Jesus Christ,
Yeshua Ha Mashiach,
Our Messiah!