Tuesday, November 24, 2015


         I started exercising today. Took my floormat out. Started off with stretches. Did some jumping jacks, sit ups, and more. Then I woke up.  No wonder I didn't break a sweat!

         I started thinking about how this correlates with our spiritual life. 
        Many of us, myself included, dream and talk about how we want to do more for God, but that is all we do.
         We don't exercise our faith. We just sit back and watch others do it. Why is that?
          I think it comes down to the fear of failing. We are afraid of coming out of our comfort zone and stepping out on the water.
          We don't want to disappoint God so we don't even try.
          Then I realized that we could never disappoint Our Father when we put our best effort forth. He is always there to back us up.
          When the Holy Spirit nudges us we need to move forward and we need to exercise our faith. God will be on the journey with us.

Empecé a hacer ejercicio hoy. Sacó mi modelo. Comenzó con estiramientos. Hicieron algunos saltos, sit ups y mucho más. Entonces me desperté.  No es de extrañar que no rompo a sudar!

          Comencé a pensar acerca de cómo esto se relaciona con nuestra vida espiritual. 
           Muchos de nosotros, incluido yo mismo, soñar y hablan acerca de cómo queremos hacer más para Dios, sino es todo lo que hacemos.
           No ejercitamos nuestra fe. Sólo sentarse y ver a otros hacerlo. ¿Por qué es?
           Creo que se trata el miedo de fracasar. Nos tienen miedos de salir de nuestra zona de confort y caminar hacia fuera en el agua.
          No queremos decepcionar a Dios por lo que aún no tratamos.
           Entonces me di cuenta de que nunca podríamos defraudar nuestro padre cuando presentamos nuestro mejor esfuerzo. Él siempre está ahí para nosotros.
          Cuando el Espíritu Santo nos empuja necesitamos avanzar y necesitamos ejercer nuestra fe. Dios estará en el viaje con nosotros.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Letter to Daddy

Daddy God-
I love you and adore you. 
Thank you for another day and what it will entail. Thank you that you will be with me to guide me and keep me from hitting any pitfalls. If I was to trip along the way, I will not fear, as you will lift me back up. I am totally assured of this. 
Joshua says we are to not be afraid and to be courageous and I choose to do just that.
The world may look bleak and scary, especially with recent events, but I choose to look towards the one who holds all the answers. I also know that this world is not my home, but just a stopover till I am forever in your presence.
One day, in the near future, you will be coming back to take all who have believed in Jesus home. So till that day comes I choose to do my best and to keep running the race. 
Your daughter

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Thanksgiving Day

When you celebrate Thanksgiving are you truly thankful or is it just another day of celebration? Do you even give one thought to the Creator?
Do you recognize that everything you have is because of God's faithfulness to you?
"The Earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof, the world and those who dwell therein," (Psalm 24:1 ESV)
"But you, O Lord, are a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness." (Psalm 86:15 ESV)
He made this world that you live in---
Just look around you---
His hand is seen in all---
The sun, moon and stars are all part of His handiwork. He placed each one in the heavens to give us light.
We may not be able to see the wind, but we certainly can hear it rustling through the trees and feel it.
This is all God!
He is with us each and every day. We may not be able to see Him with our naked eye, but all of creation shows His wondrous works and shouts His name.
We should be thankful every day of our lives! 
Let us try to remember this Thanksgiving  that it is not all about the turkey, stuffing, and pumpkin pie. It is not even all about friends and family though that is important. Ultimately, it is all about Jesus and all He did for us and continues to do. God is faithful to His children.
"Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, 
For His steadfast love endures forever." (Psalm 136:1 ESV) 
Be blessed,