Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Back Off

This guy never gives up! What is it going to take to get him off my back? Does he really think all his sweet talk is going to make me turn away from my convictions? He is like a telephone solicitor with their practiced dialogue. 

“Listen, I said. You know where I stand in my beliefs. You and I are just going down two separate roads.” 

Bam! Then it hit me. The narrow road and the wide road. I invited him to church and said we will see what happens after that.

Unfortunately, nothing changed and he was still just as obnoxious as ever or even more so. It was then that I finally had to get tough. I told him in front of everyone to back off. I realized that satan was using him and no way was I going to take it anymore. “Get ye behind me satan.” (See Matthew 16:23)

He went completely silent and then I heard clapping. I gather others were tired of his attitude too. They just wouldn’t stand up to him. I’m thankful God gave me the power within to do so.

This story is completely made up, but I felt to write it. We need to be strong in our convictions and our heart. We cannot let ourselves be bullied in any form of the word.