Tuesday, February 13, 2018

What Does God Tell Us To Do?

1— Seek those things above:

“Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth.” (Colossians 3:2 NASB)

2— Resist the flesh:

“But now you also, put them all aside: anger, wrath, malice, slander, and abusive speech from your mouth.” (Colossians 3:8 NASB)

3— Let your spirit rule:

“... put on a heart of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience...” (Colossians 3:12 NASB)

We are to magnify Christ in all that we do. We are to be examples to those in a dark and dying world. Once we know who we are in Christ we are to portray His characteristics. As we grow in Christ then His light shines through us.

We can be ‘just what the doctor called for’ to a person in need. A word, a hug, or just a listening ear. We have no idea what a person may need, but God does. We need to be ready to show the love of Jesus when the opportunity presents itself. 


In Christ,



Monday, February 12, 2018

February 12, 2018

“As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, having been firmly rooted and now being built up in Him and established in your faith, just as you were instructed, and overflowing with gratitude.”
2 Colossians 2: 6 & 7 NASB 

Paul is reminding us not to allow what we received to fall by the wayside. We have received life and should let His ‘light’ shine through us to those of the world. 
The next verse warns us not to get swept away with deception and empty words. Not to fall prey to worldly things that only satisfy the flesh.
We are one with Christ and the fullness of the Deity dwells in Him. We need nothing else. 
We are alive together with Him! Dead to our transgressions!
Forgiven of our sins!
Everything has been nailed to the cross!

"Por lo tanto, como ustedes han recibido a Cristo Jesús el Señor, así anden en Él, habiendo sido firmemente enraizados y ahora edificados en Él y establecidos en su fe, tal como fueron instruidos, y rebosantes de gratitud".
2 Colosenses 2: 6 y 7 NASB
Pablo nos está recordando que no permitamos que lo que recibimos se quede en el camino. Hemos recibido vida y debemos dejar que su 'luz' brille a través de nosotros a los del mundo.
El siguiente versículo nos advierte que no nos dejemos arrastrar por el engaño y las palabras vacías. No caer presa de las cosas mundanas que solo satisfacen la carne.
Somos uno con Cristo y la plenitud de la Deidad mora en él. No necesitamos nada más.
¡Estamos vivos junto con él! ¡Muertos a nuestras transgresiones!
¡Perdonado de nuestros pecados!
¡Todo ha sido clavado en la cruz!