Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The One True Light

Hanukah is upon us and Christmas in just a couple of days.

This is the season of joy and love for all that God the Father has done for us
and what Jesus, Yeshua, the true Light, did for us.

The middle light of the menorah is the light that lights all the other candles.
Yeshua, is the Light that brings light to our hearts.

Beyond the hustling and bustling of this busy season we need to stop and
remember the true reason for this season. Its not the presents, the tree, food,
parties, etc., but it is Jesus!!! All the rest will fade away, but the name of the
Lord will always be exalted. He will never fade away. The name of the Lord
will resound throughout the world and one day all will bow their knee before
the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords!!!!!!!!

Take a moment out of your busy day and thank and bless the Lord for all He has done.

Thank you Lord God for all you have done for me and my family throughout the year. Even with all the upsets that have happened financially I know that You are still with me. Though I may feel at my wits end, You are still at my side. When I am down and discouraged--------still----------You are there. Why do I fret that when down deep in my spirit I know You will see me through. You are One that will never leave me nor forsake me. I bless You Lord. Praise be to Your wonderful and awesome name. Amen.

In Christ, the Messiah,

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