Sunday, October 12, 2014


What do you take your refuge in?
Is it intellect?
A job?
Perhaps it is a fantasy world like the old television show "Fantasy Island".
Okay, so I am dating myself.
If you are truly seeking refuge you will never find it in any of those things.
My refuge is in a tree. 
You say, "What?" "Are you kidding me?"
Now I got your attention; because now you want to figure out where I am coming from.
Well, you see this tree is very special. It is not an ordinary tree. Yes, it looks like any other tree, but a very special man was hung on that tree over 2000 years ago. His name is Jesus the Messiah. He is the salvation for all mankind.
"How?," you say.
Well let me tell you.
God knew we would never be able to keep all the commandments so He sent His only Son to become our atonement.
Jesus Christ became the 'sacrifical lamb' and bore all our sins.
"We all like sheep have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way; and the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all." (Isaiah 53:6 NIV)
This is how much God loves each and every one of us. He gave His Son that we may have life everlasting. 
You see God had a rescue plan for us, but creating our own plans ultimately leads to deception and spiritual death. Not so with Jesus as part of your life.
All anyone has to do is humble themselves and believe in the name of Jesus the Messiah and accept what He and He alone could do and did do for them. 
Since only God knows everything it is only He who can guide our lives. To those who believe upon Him your lives will be guided in a fruitful way.
Accept and proclaim the name of the Messiah!
"It cannot be that simple?"
Oh, but it is. 
"Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved (redeemed from destruction)." ( Romans 10:13 NIV )
Remember that Jesus willingly suffered for you to pay a debt He did not owe so you could satisfy a debt you would not be able to pay.
"So what next?"
Simply admit that you cannot do it on your own. Ask for forgiveness and believe in your heart that Jesus died and rose from the dead. 
Then you will have opened a door to the greatest transformation in your life.
All of heaven will be rejoicing!
In Christ,
Shifra and Yochanan 

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